Intro There are so many fascinating projects out there, especially in the realm of embedded databases. Projects like Redb, LMDB, and Fjäll each offer impressive features such as thread safety, ACID compliance, partitioning, and more. These are all fantastic innovations, and they certainly serve their purpose well. However, I’m a simple person. I only want dumb simple things until I need more complex things then I need complex things. With that said, let’s build a simple JSON database in Rust!...
The best gift in the world!?
Intro If you’re searching for a great gift for your significant other, whether it’s for Valentine’s Day or their birthday, I have an idea for you! Speaking on behalf of my own significant other, I can tell you with 100% certainty that she loves owing me money (and I’m sure your significant other will too). I love it too, and you know what else she really loves? When I remind her that she owes me money with an invoice that I’ve emailed her....